My Research Questions + Qualtrics Report
Information on your participant: Who is my target audience?
Looking for participants to involve in this survey over the age of 18.
- Age - Tick which one is relevant to you. e.g. 18-30, 30-45, 45+
- Gender - Tick one that is relevant to you. Male, Female, Other, prefer not to say.
- Do you live in the City, suburbs, or rural area?
- Are you a student, full/part time worker, both, or neither?
- Roughly, how much more disposable income do you spend on fashion retail?
- What class background applies to you? (working, middle, upper).
- How do you enjoy spending your time? Answers what they like to do
- Do you enjoy the use of social media?
- In terms of convenience, do you shop online or instore? shows their time priorities
- Do you follow fashion trends? shows interest in fashion
- Do you shop at high-fashion brands? If the answer is no, please explain why.
- Is Prada a brand you consider buying from?
- What needs would be met if you were to purchase Prada's products? e.g. Social status, confidence, function etc.
Step 2: What do you want to find out? - SUSTAINABILITY
- Are you aware of Prada's (Fashion Brand) sustainability aspirations? Yes/No
- Would you be interested in buying Prada's products if they were more sustainable, if yes, why?
- Do you considering buying their more accessible products? e.g. Perfumes, Eyewear, if so, why?
Qualtrics Survey Done [ x ]
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