Conscious Consumption
CSR - Corporate social responsibility.
- A management concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and interactions with their stake holders.
- Achieves a balance of economic, environmental and social imperatives.
Search for Prada's CSR
The Fashion Transparency Index
- It's an annual review of 250 of the world's largest fashion brands and retailers ranked according to their level of public disclosure on human rights.
- Transparency is not about sustainability , TRANSPARENCY > SCRUTINY> ACCOUNTABILITY > CHANGE.
Sustainability strategies + models
- Manufacture phase, what the brand can do to encourage consumers to keep their items for longer..
Six sin of Greenwashing
- Fibbing, vagueness, lesser evils, irrelevance, hidden trade-off, no proof.
- Greenwashing is considered as misleading consumers regarding the environmental practices of a company or a product or service.
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