Summative Brand Sustainability Strategy Report


  • Incorporate key brand analysis, market position, and consumer profiling insights.
  • provide an overview of the existing and proposed strategy 
  • Include key imagery and infographics from your research.
  • Feature primary and secondary findings - Statistica 
  • Slides: title page, brand introduction, brand analysis (brief), social media + influencer marketing, PESTLE, SWOT, competitors, consumer profiling, proposed sustainability strategy. 


The purpose of this report is to research into Prada’s current sustainability plans and gain insight into its brand strategy…

Primary research involved creating a survey using Qualtrics…

Macro, pestle, swot. Detail them different management models to analyse my brand.  Make it less generic – credibility.

Conclusion,  summary, losing transparency against competitors. – The recommended strategy for Prada is… Statistica, sustainable eco-friendly brand.
